Tuesday, 30 June 2009

From Sunday to Tuesday

I wonder if anyone really reads this. I don't know, and I don't care. I enjoy it. So, last post was Sunday..... Well I spent the night over Julia's house. We tired to do things weird hand thing. Didn't really work out. Then we watched the Norbergs. That was really fun. We sleded down the stiar in various ways, we helped with Sierra's invite, we rode our bicks to El Pollo Loco for lunch then Mc Donalds for ice cream. Then we went to the mall and stayed forever! It was really fun. We went out to dinner at Red Robbins just the two of us. It was cute. Then I spent the night..... again.

If you are reading.. have a good day, try new things, be WiLd!, and follow your dream*

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Siping applesauce at night.

So it's late and I am half way done with my applesauce. And I haven't posted in a couple days. Here's whats up. I have helped out at Crossroads VBS -which was really fun :) -, I went to the beach with Julia & Maddie, and her sister Lauren & her friend Sarah. THey are sooo cute. Then I have hung out with Maddie for awhile. We went shopping at the beach. Funness. I got new sunglasses FINALLY! (Katy Perry inspired) I have had a really fun week actually. But it's kinda setting in...... I really REALLY miss Emily. :( Too much).

If you are reading.. have a good day, try new things, be WiLd!, and follow your dream*
p.s i finished. lol.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

IN this post: Boredom,♥Katy Perry♥, the beach, what I am doing

I ran out of corny names for this post... so yeah. It's summer, and I am really bored. Usually in my free time, I make something, dance, listen to music, call people, facebook.... but today am not doing any of that. Just blogging. So......... I think that Katy Perry is like the best singer EVER! She is like seriously the coolest. I love her style. Her cute little jumpsuits. omg, I love them because they're not jeans. Personally I don't like jeans because your legs aren't free to like run, and dance as much as in shorts. That's why I always wear shorts. Her songs are almost all fun and dance-able. And she followed her dream, and did whatever it took to get there. I think that is the biggest part of why I like her so much. She is an inspiration to me that I should go after my dream with everything I have. I know some people may think she is a little to wild... but I look at it differently. I hope she is very succesful in all that she does.♥ Oh and tomorrow I am going to the beach its going to be really fun. I haven't seen Maddie in awhile so that will be cool. Plus all 4 of us will be together, it hasn't been like that for while actually. July 19th Harry Potter is coming to theatres. Very full of excitement. I am so retarded. I haven't been to the movies once this summer. If you want to see a movie call me, facebook me, email me, twitter me, whatever lets go! If you are reading.. have a good day, try new things, be WiLd!, and follow your dream*

Monday, 22 June 2009

Spring, winter, and fall can't compare at all , to summer.

Ah, summer. I have been waiting for summer for the longest time. And once it came I was over joyed! I knew that this summer was going to be fun, and it has been. I have done so much all ready. And, I have even more coming up. Like for instance July... it's SO jammed packed. I don't even have any room for anything else in July. Even though summer is great this year, sadly it is flying by so fast. We are almost in July already.

Trying to write

I always try to write songs..... but I can't. Just ask anyone I have tried to write a song with ( Jennah & Julia). I don't know why. I just can't. Maybe i just need some inspiration. But the thing is, I have so much inspiration. Sometimes, I sing this amazing song that just comes out of my mouth, then when I run to put in on paper....... well I just blank out. I forget the tune, the lyrics, everything. It just kind of bugs me.