Sunday, 30 August 2009

The Face Of Chanel.

Yes! Yes! Yes! My girl Lily Allen the new face of Chanel. I love it. Best one yet. Good choice.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Sweet Dreams

I guess I am just like everyone else. I mean we all have dreams. Some of us dream to be the bravest of the brave, saving us citizens from all the "bad guys" and running into moutians of flames. Others of us dream to hold the key to others futures by teaching, or making sure people don't die by being their doctor, surgen, helper, mentor (whatever floats their boat). And I, well I thought I had everything planned out. Ha, well things didn't turn out the way I had planned . I mean when I was 5 I wanted to be an architect, now I don't even know what I want. I really shouldn't bother with this stuff until I am older. But it's just me to want to know. Whatever. I am just very unsure. Can mine ever really be sweet?
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality"

Very Very Merry

Yeah you make me Merry make me very very happy.
Even though I have a horrid sore throat and a stiff neck.
I am still in a very good mood :)
The other day was my friends surpirse party.
It was extremely fun.
So happy B-lated birthday.
I love you.
In fact I love alot of people.
Especially the people that well are just there for me.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

Thursday, 27 August 2009


Life. Life is a series of events different for each person. And in my life, no matter what I think, what I want, what I do, I'll always need someone there. Someone who can be my shoulder to cry on, my best friend and maybe even a sister, a someone who no matter what I do and what happens to me will love me. Someone to embrace me and all that I am. No matter if I run they will be there when I collapse. No matter if I push them out and away they'll always be there with open arms.
I just want to find that
person and I will

A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

What I think

I think no matter what in the end
and it always will.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

London's Calling

Oh yes it is! It's also awaiting my arrival. London, I want to live in England SO bad! It seems so magical and fufilling. Well more than here. I have always liked it, but now I am just facinated by it. I LOVE it.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Jingle Bells

Goodness. Summer is almost done. I only have two solid weeks left to spend on summer. It's gone so fast. Just the other day I was up in Big Sur camping, now I am sitting here almost ready for school. But the coming of school means a couple of things. One, I get to go back to school. Two, Halloween is coming up, which I am really excited fot this year because of my fabulous costume of a diamond. Three, Christmas is going to be here THAT much sooner. And I am so excited for it to be Christmas...  I know this is no time really to talk about Christmas but Elaine got me really excited about it. I can't wait. But for now I still need to work on what I am going to wear for my first day of school, my last first day of Jr.High.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

What An Outfit!

Oh Florence! She made me totally jealous. Anyone who knows me, knows I am in LOVE with London. So this dress made me flip. I really want it. And I would wear it. Have no clue where but I would.
Also I added on to my always growing wall.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Friday, 21 August 2009

Is That MY Doll?

I ran across these pictures of parts of dolls used as many different things. I thought they were so interesting. Especially the jewlery. In fact the jewelry might even be for sale$$ And I must say I am in love with the earings.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Monday, 17 August 2009

Bleeding Eardrums

Every nite - that I am not with a friend- I stay up for at least an extra  hour and thirty minuets, sitting up in my bed, BLASTING music from my headphones. I listen to every song, well almost every song. I know I will be short of hearing when I am older. But I just have so much energy to burn, sometimes I don't even know where it all comes from. But that's how I burn it off.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

The Odd Thoughts of 10'

The other day a thought popped into my head... the year Two-Thousand Ten is going to be so weird. When we say the year it will not roll off our tounges like it does when we say things like ," Summer 09' ". It will sound different like , "Summer 10' " it doesn't sound right. Maybe I am just odd. But sometimes odd streams of thoughts float through my head.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Saturday, 15 August 2009

I Have Only Done So Much.

Lately, I have been doing so much doing, thinking, planning, worring. I have love, laughed, and lived. I have gotten nasty cuts on my leg, rollerskated all over town, thrown a beach party, tried to start a company, biked, make cookies, spent the night at Laguna Beach, slept, earned 10$, cleaned milk off the bottoms of chairs, gone to swim team, listened to music, gone to bed at 11:45 or later every-nite, made wishes when the time turns double, talked to friends, laughed really hard, got trampled by waves, lost money, passed out flyers, walked, worked on my Diamond collage, went to a Ramen noodle place, looked at Flickr, fantized about London, petted some dogs, read Nylon magizine, commented on blog posts, made blog posts, checked facebook, played the piano, strummed my guitar, wanted ever so much to meet the person behind my favorite things, gotten cards... and so much more.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Jacket Required....

Zoe Graham, got featured in Nylon Magzine. I was thrilled her beautiful work got showcased for all the Nylon readers to see. Her jackets are to-die-for. I want one so bad. I congradulate her for her hard work. I will be definantly be hoping to place an order soon. :)

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Connect The Dots.

Look at this. Isn't it just wonderful. This is the funnest tatoo I've ever laid eyes upon.
Whenever you're bored. Just pop out a marker, and wala!.... a griaffe ( how random.... she should've at least done something fun like a diamond, or big ben. Ya know.) But still.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

No Shells, No Urchens, But White Rocks

This time, I got NO shell stuck under my skin, and NO sea urchen spikes in my foot.
But Laguna was even better. And even worse.
Mrs. Martin
We had fun. It was beautiful. The sky was blue. The air was crisp. The people were out. I am so tired.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

What's Up Doc? Really, Why Do You Make Such Amazing Shoes.

  Freak'n Doc Martens are so cool. I just realized how much I love them, you can dress them with tights and a flouncy skirt ( justine<3). Or skinny jeans and a leather jacket. Or just whatever. These lovely shoes sell for about $115 -$150. They are sooo cool.
These are some of my little eye candies right now.
I am simply mad about these shoes. I want all of them.... now :) (hehehe)
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Vintage Clothing, Brillant, But Not In The Back-To-School Budget.

These vintage clothes are just BEAUTIFUL! I love them soo much and would like so much to own every piece, but alas.... they are very exspensive.
eeshh. What a price tag. But this website has amazing vintage clothes , "trésor de Vintage is inspired by a heartfelt appreciation for the craftsmanship found in custom and couture vintage clothing. We have developed four departments within TDV to cater to our clientele...."
Blue and Green Plaid Jacket $275
Pink Sequenced Blouse $300
Sheath Dress $500
Red Plaid Dress $500
Those are just some... check out the website.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Monday, 3 August 2009

Up The Down, Down The Up

And that's how you ride an escalator. Especaily at the mall. Well, these days I have nothing at all to write about. It's like the same everyday. Swim. Friends. But with friends it's always different.
Lily Allen.. so cute. I just watched like 10 videos of her. It just makes me want to go to LND town even more. And the fact that Danny and Kristy are going to MOVE there, and have kids with accents just like... makes me soooooo jealous! This post took me like 34 minuets to write and publish..... sad.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/