Thursday, 10 September 2009


I am so tired. Tomorrow. Then then weekend. This week has been great though. I am so glad. Summer is just NOT coming out of my stystem though. Staying awake until 11:30 waking up at 6:30 each morning doesn't click with the body. But I manage. And by the end of the night, I am wide awake. Starting the process once more, over again. But whatever. It's been said "Sleep Is Not My Friend." And what's been said, is so true.


Wednesday, 9 September 2009


Nothing to post about so enjoy one of my favorite ladies ( and a hero of mine) dance to "Single Ladies"


Monday, 7 September 2009


Listening to the Distillers. Thinking about what in the WORLD will i wear tomorrow. Wanting to not go to school......
But sucks for me because i have to.
But what ever. After all these nameless years my guitars have earned there names. i am proud that i have finally thought of names. Even though it isn't that hard. Blue electric Harely, Black shiney acoustic Marina. Beautiful names. My chalkboard closet is coming in handy. Loving just drawing all over it. Wrote two songs. Ha! and after all the singing of the Totoro theme song, i have finally watched the HILLARIOUS movie. Great.


Sunday, 6 September 2009



i might sound FUN-e

Back to school, i wanted some MECHANiCAL PENCiLS. i hate them. They are so obnoxious to write with. Waste of money.
Also upper case i's are so
England is amazing
_home to wonderful people_
my future home.


Friday, 4 September 2009

I Can Explain The Header Picture.....

i love it.

Have to have it.


I Feel Celestial

Literally. i have nothing to say. 
i am getting my haircut today. it's going to be great.
Past 4 days or so i have been living on Juicy Couture .com  Great new stuff. A lot of diamonds.
i also found a new smell D&G. it's quite wonderful, i inhale it around 5 times a day.
I changed my playlist completely great line up I think.
Let it Rain - Living Things
Marina and the Diamonds
Blood.Sweat.Tears.- Eight Legs
Cyoa - Heartsrevolution
Tigerlily - La Roux
Beat Your Heart Out - The Distillers
Sweet Dreams - The Eurythmics
Take My Heart - Soko
Hella Good - No Doubt
Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine
Everyones At it - Lily Allen
Cath You - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
and i think i'll add The Clash in there somewhere. i love to rock out to them....


Wednesday, 2 September 2009

"Just broke down in tears in Victoria station like idiot. full of bad thoughts and plans of escape routes."
Same here.
The Outsider :'(
A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

Bye Bye Beach

Well I am pretty sure, no in fact very sure that I have taken my last trip to the beach for the summer of 2009. It seems as though this summer has gone by faster than any of the previous. It's quite sad actually. School is going to be starting up again soon. Less time to blog and dilly-dally. But the winter season is one a cheerish so things aren't too bad. Goodbye Beach.

A Friend.

Sometimes in life, there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by  you no matter what. Maybe you'll find it in a spouse. But there's also a chance that the one person you can count on for a life time, the one person who knows you sometimes better than yourself, is the same person who has been standing beside you all along. Your best friend. For me, well that's just something to think about. That maybe I haven't realized yet. Or have been told over and over again, but can't and still can't grasp that concept.

A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Happy Birthday Rachel Zoe! One of my new fashion icons. She has inspired me more in the fashion world lately. Oh how I would love to work for you Rachel! I hope she has a WONDERFUL birthday.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

School Season

Poor guy.. Doesn't want to go to school.
Well too bad it's September 1st... school season is starting.
A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/

Write as little or as much as you like ... well up to 1200 characters.

I have come across things like this, quite often. Things telling me to write about myself in a condensed space. Well, I think that is one of the hardest things for me. I'd like to, but I want it to sound really good and put together. So I'll try and try to write my "about me" section... but it just never turns out the way I invision it. I realized, that I just can't write about me. If you want to know about me ask me. Don't make me try to squeeze myself into 1200 characters.... I am more that.
Those things just bug me

A Diamond In The Rough.\<>/