Well. Long time no post. There is really nothing for me to post about these days. Just sitting here in my imagination. Nothing besides everything happens in there. I am at two different places at once. But besides not reality.

Camping will be fun. a good out-doors experience! I will be happy to get away for awhile. Being in one place in a long stretch of time. Not always the best thing for a growing young lady :)
A Diamond In The Rough.\<♥>/
wow this post is like kinda confusing. i could sit on the couch for a LONGGGG TIME. haha i love the pic of the bear sleeping bag its really cute kinda scary.
oh and on your title "simply the bees knees" ran by savannah shoulndt it be run by savannah? idk im just really bored...(nothin new there)what if I created my own blog like on your comment thing. Everyday i left a comment on the same post but really it would be like my own post "disquised" as a comment and then ppl would read your plst and be like 67 comments??!??!? and theyd click on it and see my blog, hahahaha wow i should get a life...
i just realized! you know you can make the word jail out of Julia..i think theres a reason for that
Wow Julia, you must have been very bored. lol.
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