Thursday, 10 September 2009


I am so tired. Tomorrow. Then then weekend. This week has been great though. I am so glad. Summer is just NOT coming out of my stystem though. Staying awake until 11:30 waking up at 6:30 each morning doesn't click with the body. But I manage. And by the end of the night, I am wide awake. Starting the process once more, over again. But whatever. It's been said "Sleep Is Not My Friend." And what's been said, is so true.



maddie. said...

i agree, greatly.

good luck sleeping... try counting sheep(:

Jennalee said...

haha girl i know me to!!!! i am so not used to getting up early i like fall asleep at 12 and get up early my body is like ahhhhhh! lol

The Groovy Hotspot said...

haha its so funny watching all these people suffer to get up early....its what ive been doing all summer

Savannah said...

pshhh counting sheep.... it didn't work. And Julia... you're just weird. It's obnoxious that your house wakes up SO early. Especially when I am there.

The Groovy Hotspot said...

HAHAHAH I know Ill just sit in my bed and hear like shouts and screams and peole crying and like one time i heard jase throw a chair at jamee LOL. For real. They dont care that its 6:00 in the morning. it IS obnoxious/funny

maddie. said...

more abnoxious julia :p hahahahha. and sorry just thought i throw out the counting sheep thing :) and did you REALLY? haha

love you,.

Savannah said...

okay a chair... issues... (jk) And I tried counting sheep. I just go back to music lisening too.. :)