Sunday, 31 January 2010

Chilled By The Sun.

It feels like I haven't posted for years.
The reason why:
I've been really really sick. Since I have been a vegitarian for 2 1/2 years, I have lost a lot of iron and protien in my body, in which causing me to get sick easily and stay sick very long. So now, I begin the long process of gaining all the good stuff back. But on top of the, I have been having the symptoms of mono. I've taken a blood test and now awaiting to see the results. I pray that I don't have it.

On a more brighte note, the sunshine is feeling wonderful. I am loving this weather we're having  here in Southern California, somedays raining, somedays cloudy, somedays sunny, somedays chilly. It's wonderful. Now I just can't wait until I have enough energy to run.

enjoy the sun.

- Savannah


Emma Jade said...

Those photos are beautiful!
Get well soon hun!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! A post. I hope u get well. Loving the pictures.

Jennalee said...

yay you posted :)
and i really hope you don't have mono!

Laurel said...

A new post! Yahooooo! I hope u feel better!

The Groovy Hotspot said...

I know I like check your blog everyday and finally a post! yay hope you don't have mono...haha their actually coming tomorrow night not tonight..

JLJ said...
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JLJ said...

Savannah.. you neeed to post again, cause whenever
Im bored or feeling down I just look at your blog and what an amazing blogger you are
andit makes me please post
something, anything, its always amazing....<3